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Checking the index

To check what's stored in Pizza's index, you should head to ~/.cache/pizza/index.lz4. You will have to decompress it using lz4 and then decode the JSON inside of it.

To do this from within Pizza, run:

$ pizza index dump

If your index becomes corrupted or otherwise invalid for some reason, you can do a force reset:

$ pizza index erase

Performing dry runs

Before running pizza write, you can add the --dry flag to prevent Pizza from writing metadata to your files. This is useful if Pizza is outputting invalid information and you don't want it to write to any actual files.

Checking metadata

It's recommended to use ffprobe to check the metadata of a file:

$ ffprobe /mnt/music/track.flac

It will output all the metadata inside your file:

Input #0, flac, from '/mnt/music/track.flac':
    ALBUM           : ...
    ALBUM ARTIST    : ...
    album_artist    : ...
    ALBUMARTISTS    : ...
    ARTIST          : ...